Sunday, June 21, 2009

Emotional Eater

During these past few weeks I have learned a few things about myself. I am definately an emotional eater. Right after I started this challenge one of my friends passed away and since then one of my boys has had surgery and the other was in a motorcycle accident this weekend and during those times I did what I do best...EAT. That is how I comfort myself. I also have a tendency to eat when I am bored or doing things that do not require much effort/thinking.

The morning after my friend passed I woke up feeling drained and just wanted to stay home and cry but forced myself to go to the gym. Now that I recognize triggers that cause me to overeat I have really worked hard at getting out of the kitchen and outside for a walk or to the gym when I start to feel that way.

Friday a group of friends from work went out to lunch. This is the first time I have been to a restaurant since I started the challenge and to be honest, I really wanted something from the main menu and not the "yucky (low cal/low carb) menu". I ordered tilapia and broccoli but really felt like I was missing out. I know I need to change my mindset about the whole "yucky" menu.

Saturday brought another son wanted to go to McDonalds after we did our grocery shopping because it was getting late. Normally I wouldn't have thought twice about it but all of that hard work at the gym popped into my head and that cheeseburger and fries wasn't so appetizing after all. Tyson was a good sport and came home to have a healthy sandwich and raw veges instead.

I have tried a few new exercise classes this week and now have a good idea of what classes/teachers I enjoy most. Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. I had a turbo kick class. I thought I was going to kill over and die. Let's just say the teacher was ENERGETIC and didn't have an ounce of fat on her. I liked the class so much that I am going back next Saturday for another beating and to humor my teacher.

My new motto: "Eat to live....not live to eat".


Brooke said...

Great post Becky! I think we are all emotional eaters and you have had some tough things to deal with lately but you've been strong! Way to go!

Monica said...

Becky, you're doing great and have incorporated a solid exercise program into your routine. I'm so proud of you! I especially appreciate that you're trying new things and finding routines that you love. Keep up the great work!

Way to go for skipping the McDonald's hamburger & fries! I did that once this weekend too and though it would have tasted great, having zero guilt felt better overall.

Penny said...

Hang in there Becky! I know that it is hard at times, but if you can keep to the plan, I'll bet it gets better!

Penny said...

Hey Becky! Emotions-what would we do with out them? I find I do the same thing you said. Sometime it is easier to just shutdown and stay home, but GOOD FOR YOU, you got up and went anyway. As hard as it is to keep going it really is best. At least that's what people have told me before. Hope things are better for you this week. Penny